
General Email: xzistor@live.com
Advanced Projects Email: project@xzistor.com
I apologise in advance for not being able to respond to all the emails we receive at the Xzistor LAB. Messages to the above email address will in the first instance be handled by my Collaborations Lead. Due to the fact that I only work on my AI projects after hours, I do not have as much time as I would like to have for correspondence. If you have a valid Collaboration proposal, please follow the guidance below under Collaboration. If you are a hobbyist I would suggest that you post your comments/questions in the forums.

I am looking at a small number of formal collaborations (possibly joint ventures) and have assigned a Collaborations Lead for the Xzistor LAB. Currently the focus is on long term collaborations with international (ethical) teams which can provide the means to set up the facilities, resources and ongoing investment to build or reconfigure robotic systems using the Xzistor Concept brain model. A limited number of collaboration licences will be issued for access to my IP to qualifying individuals / teams across different geographical locations in order to maintain adequate oversight of engineering activities and security. Please provide us with an overview of your personal credentials, or of that of your organisation, and indicate the level of facilities and resources that can be provided – and we will get back to you if we think a joint collaboration is viable. If you do not hear from us, please accept that we are unable to pursue a collaboration at this time – this could be for for many reasons completely unrelated to your proposed project potential, capabilities or level of investment. Please read the Xzistor LAB Vision and my page on Ethical AI before making a proposal to ensure alignment with our ethical principles and objectives. The contact form below is for collaborations only. Please add a link to your website if possible.