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Please take my tips to heart as it will save you time and money!
Fun from Day 1
Here is my first unofficial tip to you even before you start:
Tip: Enjoy every moment of developing your home AI platform and see it as an adventure and do not just rush to get it all completed!
I really miss the whole journey of working out how I want my AI platform to work, what my robot should look like and what I what goals I want to set myself. I bought little things for Troopy I knew I wanted to use in the videos and my partner would say: ‘What is that for?’
And the answer was always the same: ‘You’ll see…’
I do miss those days of coming up with new ideas for my home lab and then browsing the shops for little bits of paraphernalia to add to my videos e.g. little boxing cloves, the Head Up Display (which I had printed for me) – even the little miniature MacBook laptop which is actually a ladies make up mirror! I wish I can have that part of the early development over, but hopefully you will give me some more ideas for videos and I will be able to hunt for more little gadgets in the shops and online! Maybe I can build a ‘girlfriend’ for Troopy and make a demo video about affection / love?
What I found was that setting up the small props and decorations for the videos also brought welcome relief from the mental strain and many late nights of working on the brain model. It created a nice balance and would almost say the ‘hobbyist’ approach is crucial to stay sane and rooted in real life as you dive into the mysterious depths of the human mind to build your own ‘Artificial Intelligence’ model!
Enjoy every second!