Here are some images of Simmyin the proposed robot ‘Kindergarten’ and also images of the FraunhoferVolksbot with the add-ons I proposed to turn it into an Xzistor robot.
Note: Keep in mind that the square Learning Confine has in fact colour panels similar to Troopy’s physical circular confine, but I hide these from view so that they are only visible to the 3D agent in the simulation.
Simmy in the ‘Kindergarten’ taking a sip of Purple Power Juice.Simmy playing in the robot ‘Kindergarten’.Simmy ‘seeing’ Nemo for the first time on the TV in the Kindergarten.Above we can see the Fraunhofer Volksbot as configured by the University of Applied Science (Frankfurt-am-Main) replacing Simmy in the 3D simulation and ahead of any changes to turn it into an Xzistor Concept robot. Here we can see the Fraunhofer Volksbot as configured by the University of Applied Science (Frankfurt-am-Main) with the laser proximity sensors (red ) added as well as a small projector and screen to display facial expressions.In this simulation we have turned the Volksbot into an Xzistor robot and the ‘hunger’ now experienced is based on battery level. The food source is now the battery (white) with charging terminals. The Xzistor version of the Volksbot has now navigated to the power source and the copper prongs can be seen making contact with the battery charging terminals. The smile equate to the satisfaction of effectively ‘eating’.The adapted Volksbot is presented with a simple red round shape to test image processing (simulated of course). Hope all our Japanese Labbers find this shape vaguely familiar! 🙂 The adapted Volksbot is presented with another simple shape (triangle) further testing the image processing algorithms.
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